Sunday, February 22, 2009

Free Dunkin Coffee

Just saw a commercial promising free coffee from Dunkin Donuts. How could I resist?

Click here to get yours.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Digital Coffee Mug

The Digi-Mug is packed with 1MB of memory (not a typo) that allows you to store 50 or so images for playback on its 1.5-inch display. With a lithium ion rechargeable battery, you can view your loved ones (or just a simple clock) to your heart's content.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Starbucks Movie (sort of)

Michael Gates Gill was a high-flying, six-figure-earning advertising executive years ago before he was abruptly fired. He had created huge campaigns for companies like Christian Dior and Ford and lived an even bigger life, with luxury automobiles, lavish vacations and fabulous clothes.

These days, however, he's traded his $3,000 Brooks Brothers suits for khakis and a green apron; the big bucks for a $10 an hour job as a barista at Starbucks. But Gill says he couldn't be happier.


"I still have trouble with some of the drinks," he admits, "but I'm a good cleaner.... I can make a toilet shine like a Ferrari."

If life continues on an upswing for Gill, he may one day be able to purchase a Ferrari. His memoir, "How Starbucks Saved My Life," became a New York Times bestseller. The actor Tom Hanks has plans to produce and star in the film version. Gus Van Sant has agreed to direct.