Usually once a year we go to ski on Mammoth Mountain. It's about a 5 hour drive, so we'll stop along the way to eat & stretch our legs. One of those stops is always the town of Bishop, where you'll find Schat's Bakkery. Schat is a Dutch family who owns bakeries throughout southern California.
Schat's has a huge variety of breads, pastries, cookies, sandwiches and more. And ALL of it is soooo good. Everything on the shelves is freshly baked with the best ingredients.
The best time to come is lunch. Then you can get one of their excellent sandwiches. Although it's rather crowded, it's worth it. The Mule Kick is my favorite. Then pick up a bread or two to go.
Oh, they have excellent coffee too!
Erick Schat's Bakkery
763 N Main St
Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 873-7156